Over the last 15 years, I have led weeklong and 10-day Mindfulness meditation retreats in the UK, Sweden and Portugal both in Buddhist and secular contexts. These have been based on modern secular, Annapanasati or Satipatthana approaches. I introduce and teach Chi Kung as an important supportive aspect of these silent retreats.
I studied Mindfulness-based Approaches at Bangor University, gaining an M.Sc. in 2010. I have taught mindfulness-based approaches within the local and wider community since 2005. I now teach on the Masters course at Bangor University (School of Psychology) and train mindfulness teachers for the local NHS trust.
I have specialised in teaching mindfulness-based approaches (MBCT) with carers, teenagers and older people. In 2010, I gained a Fd Sc in Person Centred Counselling and now work part-time within the NHS with parents of children who have newly diagnosed complex needs.
I studied at London University, Goldsmiths College gaining a BSc (Hons) before starting a career in primary education, resigning my East Sussex headship in 1985 in order to pursue ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Oder (1989). Since that time, I have been teaching meditation and Buddhist studies in and around Brighton, and between 2000 and 2010 I was the spiritual director of the Brighton Buddhist Centre.