I have been practising yoga and meditation since 1980 and see both of these as integral to my life. My first degree was in English at King’s College, London and I worked for some years in the corporate sector. After I had my children, I felt a real need to change careers and re-trained and then practised as a Homeopath for 18 years. I lectured at several Homeopathy colleges, as well as being a supervisor and assessor for both students and practitioners. I now work full-time as a mindfulness instructor and trainer, teaching and deepening into the practices that have sustained me for so many years.
I have taught MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction) courses since 2001 both to General Public Groups and other more specialist courses for Carers, Workplace, Mental Health Groups and Clinical Professionals.
I became a member of the Core Teaching Team at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP), Bangor University in 2008, teaching on the Distance Learning Programme and supervising mindfulness teachers. I also taught on the MSc in Mindfulness-based Approaches at Bangor University for five years, both on the Foundation Module and the Teaching 1 Module. I currently teach on their Teacher Training Retreats, Levels 1 & 2, and facilitate Mindful Movement Workshops.
Since 2014, I have trained in MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) and am now a certified teacher and trainer. This is a rich and rewarding addition to my mindfulness work.
- Certified Teacher and Trainer in Mindful Self-Compassion UCSD (University of California, San Diego) 2015
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mindfulness-based Approaches, Bangor University, 2009
- Teacher Training Intensive with Centre for Mindfulness Teachers, Massachusetts, organized by CMRP, 2001
- BA Hons, English Language and Literature, Kings College, London University, 1969
Teaching Training Specialisms
- MBSR and MSC Courses for the general public
- Teacher Training Level 1
- Teacher Training Level 2
- Mindful Movement
- MSC Teacher Training with UCSD
Retreat Lead Experience
I have taught seven-Day retreats both as a co-teacher and as lead teacher. I also, together with Judith Soulsby, designed and facilitated the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Retreat based on the Mindful Self-Compassion programme – a world first.
Retreat Specialisms
- Retreats for experienced practitioners
- Mindfulness and Self-Compassion retreats
Personal Practice
I have a daily practice, refreshed by yearly retreats. My practice informs my life and has been a dear companion and teacher for these many years. It has been varied, starting with yoga and then in other traditions. I owe much to the teaching of Chogyam Trungpa, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajahn Sumedho and, most recently, Melissa Blacker with whom I play at exploring koans as well as the delights and challenges of my practice and my life.
The Mindfulness Breakthrough, Sarah Silverton, Watkins, 2012. (now reprinted as The Mindfulness Key and which has been translated into 8 languages).
I wrote two chapters one of which was ‘Mindfulness for Carers.’
Further info
Vanessa’s website – www.mindfulnessforhealth.co.uk