To view and book available retreats, visit our CALENDAR. Please read our Retreat FAQs before you book to find out more about our retreats and how we work. To access an online retreat you have booked Log in to our Community Site.

We offer a range of mindfulness retreats that are inclusive, based on well-researched approaches, and respect differing views and beliefs. Our retreats are informed by both ancient knowledge and modern theories, as well as scientific findings about health and well-being. They are open to people of any and no faith. 

Our aim is to provide mindfulness-based practitioners and teachers with a variety of opportunities to deepen their practice, in supportive settings, with the guidance of experienced mindfulness retreat leaders. All of our retreats are led by highly-experienced teachers, trained in retreat leadership, who are senior in the field of mindfulness-based interventions. Our retreats are designed to be in line with the requirements of the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) for continued professional development. 

We are keen to support mindfulness practitioners at all stages of their journey. Consequently, we provide:

  • shorter introductory retreats
  • retreats specifically aimed at supporting those training to teach
  • retreats for experienced teachers, trainers and supervisors

In general, our retreats include meditation instruction, talks and guided sessions of mindfulness meditation practice including mindful movement. They provide a safe and nourishing environment for the cultivation of a deep and grounded mindfulness practice. We look forward to seeing you on one of our retreats in the near future.