I am an Insight meditation, mindfulness and yoga teacher. I teach mindfulness-based stress reduction/cognitive therapy programs (MBCT/MBSR) and I teach insight meditation shaped to our Nordic living conditions. I lead meditation retreats in Denmark and Sweden, and enjoy offering workshops, daylong retreats and year-long study groups. I teach and mentor both individuals, groups and companies by attendance and online.
I am one of the founders and currently chairwoman of Copenhagen Insight Meditation. Before becoming a fulltime meditation teacher, I was educated and worked as a feature film editor. I live in the countryside in Denmark.
· Currently, Teacher Training Programme. Bodhi College
· Committet practitioners programme. Bodhi College
· Studied cognitive therapy, gestalt therapy and Narrative therapy
· Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy MBCT. Trained with Mark Williams, Ferris Ubanowski and Antonia Sumbundu
· Yoga Teacher. Trained with Godfrey Devereux since 2007-
· Consultant and teacher on The National Filmschool of Denmark 2003-16
Teaching-Training Specialisms
· MBSR/MBCT for general populations, and follow up workshops for practitioners
· Individual mentoring, practice support
· Meditation practice groups
· Mindful movement, yoga and breathwork
· Creative processes and storytelling, coaching
· Insight meditation teaching for Mindfulness teachers, for study groups and retreats
Retreat Lead Experience
I have lead yoga and mindfulness meditation retreats since 2013 in Denmark, the beautiful desert of Sinai Egypt, Spain and Turkey. From 2018 I started to lead silent Insight meditation retreats based on the Buddhist foundations of mindfulness in Denmark and Sweden.
Personal Practice
I have been practicing meditation and mindfulness since 2000 where my fascination with Buddha’s timeless teachings began. I have practiced in different meditation traditions, which has inspired me and opened to the diversity of life. My personal practice is also very much shaped by the many years of training and further developing, maintaining and teaching MBSR / CT. Besides my formal practice, I also see the non-profit work I do for Copenhagen Insight Meditation, my studies and the teaching I offer as a central part of my personal practice.
Further Information
Christin’s website: https://christinilleborg.dk/
Copenhagen Insight Meditation’s website: https://www.copenhageninsight.org/